Monday, October 27, 2014

Weekly Challenge #191 - Betweed

This week's Diva Challenge was to use Betweed in a monotangle. I love my center, not so sure of the purple outside. It was much more "starry" in my head. Isn't it funny how the pictures in your head and the pictures on the paper rarely match? :)

Pattern used: Betweed

And because it's the last challenge before Halloween, here's some fun I had on my rainy weekend.
Happy Halloween everyone!

Patterns used: Pendrills, Coral seeds, Wist, StarBarz, Poke Leaf and  Indy-rella

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Weekly Challenge #190 - Pink

Always glad when October comes around and breast cancer awareness takes the spotlight. From people wearing pink ribbons to football players with pink cleats, what a great way to support the cause. Looking forward to seeing everyone's interpretations on the Diva Challenge Site.

Patterns used: Florz and Coil

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Weekly Challenge #189 - Yuma

Busy week, so just did a duo-tangle and played with my new 4B and paper stump to blend the shading. I think it got a bit muddy, but it was a great exercise. Looking forward to seeing the other entries on the Diva Site.

Patterns used: Yuma and Knyt

Monday, October 6, 2014

Weekly Challenge #188 - National Coming Out Day

Let's hear it for Daniel!

This is for all my friends who have the courage to live their lives the way they want to.
Visit the Diva site to see other entries.

Patterns used: Betweed, Chemystery, and Chambray

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Weekly Challenge #187 - Blind String

First off, thank you Donald and Betsy for your constructive suggestions for my leaf challenge last week. I updated my post with your ideas, and it made a big difference!

Now for this week. I'm working on picking tangles that have different values. I think I've got too much dark and too much light, but I kind of like how it came out looking like alien sealife. Think I'll have scallops for dinner <grin>.

Patterns used: Beadline, Purk, Paradox, and ? (It was supposed to be Quiltz, but it went decidedly astray somewhere.)